1/14/2025 - Donuts and Deer

Old Cowgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
Reaction score
Texas, on the Brazos Saltfork
Good morning. I had a treat of watching some deer this morning. On one side of my driveway there was a young deer grazing, while a doe was lying or sitting? among the trees nearby. This caught my attention because I'd never seen a deer relaxing that way before. They are always grazing while on high alert. Then I looked over to the other side of the driveway and there was a repeat of that scene--another doe relaxing, while a younger deer grazed nearby. I watched them for a while, until one of the grazing youngsters threw his head up in alarm. There must have been some kind of secret communication among the four because they were all on their feet and had disappeared before I could blink!

It was in the low 20s* this morning, will get into the 50s* with sunshine and not too much wind. I think I got my outside stuff done yesterday. Have lots to do inside today.
Good morning. I missed the Moon Mars eclipse last night but did capture a picture of them close. I posted the fuzzy photo in yesterday's column.
Christmas is 99% out of the house. I still have the house lights up, due to storms they will still be up until later this week, I'm going to see if I could hire the driveway shove folks they did mention they could take down the lights.
HB got his car started, and drove it around for almost an hour yesterday. Now did he do this in the daylight hours? Nope he waited till it was dark and then as he drove off he said he'd call if he ran into call troubles. Great, icy roads, dark and I don't know the area as well as he does.... fantastic.... he made it back okay......but still
Heading off to Costco then vacuuming..... as it's Tuesday and the Beast is at Day Care......

Happy Tuesday
Happy Tuesday! I hope everyone has a good day.

Still have some snow but a lot has melted off. Refreezes at night/early morning though.

We had to drive Siege to work this morning because her car couldn’t get out. They are making mentions of possible snow again this weekend into next week - I don’t want it. I’m even willing to take the super cold temps and arctic breezes if it stays away.
Christmas mostly put away. Just a few items left out. Hate that job. Still have snow and ice in spots. Schools haven't opened yet in 2025. Too many bad rural roads. Possible snow showers today and then again this weekend. No ice expected but temps at 0 or below. Probably will get out today. Haven't really been able to because when they scrape the roads, it piles up in front of my car. We finally had church Sunday morning (no Sunday School), but couldn't go because of the snow pile. I get my mail at the post office (less than a mile away) and I haven't been in about a week. I'm sure nothing there but junk mail. Might go to the grocery and pick up a few things. I don't really need anything, just mostly want to get out into the real world for a few.

Can't keep my bird feeders filled. I get a lot of Cardinals and Blue Jays. I didn't realize that the Jays were such bullies to the other birds.

Enjoy your day!
We have deer around the residential treatment center where I work
It's partly sunny this afternoon and almost 50.

I walked this morning. I was able to go around three times. After lunch, I went out and cleared off the
ice/snow at the end of the driveway. It keeps refreezing at night.

OC, I'm glad you had some nice visitors this morning.

robin, I'm glad HB got his car started. Why do men have to do silly stuff?

Kris, no white stuff in forecast this weekend only cold temps. I hope nothing comes because
I'm going to the museum Sunday to see an exhibit. It leaves next week.

Nameless, the blue jays at my house aren't bullies. It's the black birds. I won't be putting out
more seed until it gets cold again on Sat night.

I hope everyone has a nice rest of the day.
Nameless, I've heard that about Blue Jays. The towns around here have them but I've never had them out where I live except a stray will stop in every few years, just passing through. Your weather conditions sound miserable but I understand about needing to get out where there are other humans.

Sexton, are the deer there more gentle? They often are when living where there are a lot of people who aren't hunting them. They're very spooky here.

Kris, that same system is due in here beginning Sunday. It all seems to hit harder where you are though. Ugh.

Kat, I admire your diligence in keeping the snow and ice removed from your premises.

Robin, I was both cringing and laughing at the same time while reading about HB's latest adventure. I know it's not funny but there's something about the way you tell it. Maybe you could turn on that tracking device on his phone. I've been having fun following my son around the DFW metroplex the past couple of days. I was amused yesterday when he passed by a place called, "North Bark Dog Park." (This was in north Dallas and one of the earlier big malls is named North Park).
Did not realize some folks have the tree up so far into January. We usually waited til after the 6th of January, but this year I opted for shortly after New Year's. So been down a while now. None of my neighbors seem to have theirs up long either. Sun is out, blinding from the snow on the ground. tis currently 5 above. Gonna try to run to store when I go for the mail. Hope the parking lot at the supermarket is plowed. Fingers crossed. Probably won't be mail anyway. Ha. Well, will be good just to get out for a bit, will be inside the car, so .......we will see.

Time to don the boots and winter jacket, and make a run around to store. Glad it is not far. Take care.
Oh, wow, the most embarassing, awful thing. Went to store, checking out, hand cashier my credit card..........she says it is declined!!! I am shocked, it is paid up...so I say I have another. And that gets declined as well!! Fortunately, had just enough cash to pay that way, but am furious, embarassed, head home. Call the one card..........Person agrees my account is paid up, checks to make sure they have right address, etc. yes, lots of apologies. They claim new card was sent out to me, I never got it. I ask why they don't inform their clients that they are changing something, and sending new cards, cancelling their present ones. So clients won't be trying to use it.Pretty weird that BOTH cards were declined, with NO balance on them. Now the one I figure might have been because there @WAS an unauthorized charge on it, a couple months ago. They investigated it, credited me. the other is a mystery. So I went to bank, to confirm all was o.k. with my account, paying the bills, etc............told the one teller what happened. She said it seems perhaps there was a glitch with the card itself, not the account.
Well, I went searching around.......and discovered that there had been problems with charges being written on some account by an enployee who then withdrew the money. I don't trust anything I hear like this....so just grain of salt time. But totally frustrating to have this happen. So, they think someone got my info somehow, and used it. This is why the hold on my account, as they were suspicious.
So I am getting new cards with new numbers, and will have to be paying cash until they arrive.
Oh Poirot I know how embarrassing that can be....I used a CC as I shopped on Black Friday..... I had heard not to use the debit card because the cc had more protections.... OKAY... I had the cash but at this time walking around with lots of Cash seemed to not be safe..... fast forward a week I've wrapped all the gifts and am driving to Sacramento to have Christmas.... I have a grandchild now overdue...I stop in LA visit my son there gave him his gifts, they were flying to Vietnam on Christmas day......then on to Sacramento.... halfway there I was just too tired to continue driving and the fog was starting.... pulled off and checked into a freeway motel.... unloaded the car and went to Denny's for dinner..... when I get back to my room my key doesn't work.....Seem my credit card had been refused.... I'm so sorry..... here try this.... declined....I use cash for the room deeply embarrassed, purchased gas with cash on the way.... get to Sacramento unload car visit it's Sunday so can't go to the bank. Borrow money from son to fill the gas tank....NO CLUE what was going on..... Go to the bank on Monday find out eventually that Target one of the stores I had shopped at, had been hacked and the bank cancelled all cards they had from all the people who shopped. Great... thank you from charges that might not have been mine..... but because my account had been closed I couldn't get cash out of the bank even though I had the cancelled cards and ID... and of course they shipped new cards to my home in Arizona......While I could understand on one level I was out of state with no cash, on hand but money in a bank that wouldn't give it to me.....My checking account had money.... I finally convinced them to give me some.... My son is in my debit card so he received his "replacement" card and let me have it so I could purchase gas to get home.....
I really felt like scum at the hotel as both cards were refused.....thank goodness it was a cheap cheap place......or I'd have been digging for coins between the chair cushions......
Poirot, I hope it won't take too long to get new cards.

robin, that's awful and not get a warning what happened when you needed to know.