1/12/2025 - Donuts and even More Snow


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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good afternoon..... and if I thought the additional snow was bad, the temps will begin to drop in a bit, down to the below zero marks til Wednesday or Thurs. . Ugh. Plus, snow is forecqst every day. And, Y es, snowed during the night, and when I woke at 7 it had stopped, but then began again for a few hours, stopped again. And no, we have not been plowed yet, thus I got church on TV this morning and won't venture out to the store.. Am sure the highway is plowed, but not the streets within this subdivision. Yes, that included the driveways and sidewalks, which are supposed to be cleared. Ahhh, the fun of living in the way up north country.
Poirot.... my outside the house thermometer has joined @brisbydog on vacation it's currently reading a pleasant 84 degrees out.... I have no idea where it's getting that temp.... but hey.... the suns out (the meter is in the shade) so a girl can look out over the white that is her back yard and think she's at the beach..... as long as she doesn't open the door this plan should work........ Per the weather guessers we will gradually warm to Wichita's normal temps of mid to high 40's during the week before another one hits next weekend.....happiness and joy.......At least I finally got my Christmas tree down and some of the decorations..... since HB's van is disabled, dead battery 2 flat tires, we use the Subaru and can't get as much in it.... today we take the tree, wreath, two crates back to storage and bring more crates and boxes to the house....

HB wants Chili for dinner tonight so the beans are cooking and off to the store for the rest of the ingredients..... fire is holding it's own as far as my family is concerned, it's not currently burning towards either of them.... but it's fire and so it's not over.... hearing of the massive losses of Bonsai friends is tragic....

I hope everyone has a great Sunday
It's sunny and 46 this afternoon. It's going to be in the teens tonight.

I walked this morning, but it was hard because no one cleans their sidewalks and there were still
patches of ice/snow in parts on the road. No walk in the Mon AM because it will be too cold.
Hopefully, by Tuesday everything will be clean. I may contact my town and see what can be
done to keep the streets and sidewalks clear.

I put away the ceramic Christmas tree this morning. I kept it up since it was nice to have on the
cloudy days. The other decorations I took down late in the week and packed yesterday.

Poirot, be sure and let someone know you're not able to get out because the streets aren't cleared.

robin, I hope your sisters won't have to leave their homes. Fires keep popping up all over LA.

I hope everyone has a pleasant rest of the day.
sounds like your outside thermometer has gone to a permanent sleep, Robin. I guess you will have to begin thinking about a replacement.

The trouble here, Kat, is that the road in here is a "private" road, with even a sign at the beginning saying so. Therefore, there is no one to call, as far as I know. There is a homeowners gettogether in about 10 days, am sure this will be discussed at large. We pay dues which is to cover the cost, so no clue as to what is going on. It is snowing off and on, currently snowing againTis lightly, but is adding up. Maybe the thought is to wait until it really stops??? As it can be plowed, then pile right back up again? And then, maybe the manager who used to do the plowing and doesn't live on the premises any more, is unable to get out from where he lives, which he said was just 5 miles away........who knows? But it will drop below zero this evening and tonight.........so it is a bit worrisome to me.
Poirot, be sure and go to the meeting. I didn't know if there was someone over the man who's suppose
to clear the roads or not. Then you could call that person.

If you have and Home Owners Assoc, you should call someone with that group. They should be
able to get someone to do the job.
Well, I was sure I had posted here today. I know I came and read. But I've had some distractions. Thought my son's family was coming but it appears I misunderstood about which Sunday my daughter-in-law meant when she wrote me last week and said they plan to come on Sunday. Haha, I looked again and that was all she said about it. But no sign of them and no word from them since then so......Son's phone tracker thingy has them still in Dallas.

It was sunny today but breezy and chilly, got to around 50*, I think. Will go to about 24* tonight.
The current storyline with Julie mourning Doug's passing has just hit me really hard. My husband passed just over 3 years ago, but for whatever reason . it just has affected me really hard this year, beginning with the holidays. Yes, I put up the tree, but....no gifts under the tree, none for me to open...I have no family here, my friends all busy with theirs, and of course neighbors , too. A few have gone south, we have snow all over, (is still snowing now) so not even a run to the store to break up the day. And the TV is full of families celebrating the holidays. Yeah, having a big case this year of feeling sorry for myself. I know I am not the only person going thru something like this.......don't know why this year seems harder than usual. My son was going to come, but weather was not cooperative. And is still lousy.

I feel it had to be so difficult for Susan Seaforth Hayes to do the mourning scenes she had to do as Julie. She was terrific. Am sure that when the weather improves, we get plowed, shoveled, etc. it will be better.

Alas, the guy who clears the roads, is the person one would call. A friend here said he was around this morning (no idea why or what he did) We are dipping down below zero tonight.......probably will make plowing very hard.......or impossible. Depressing. But.......we'll see. Thinking positive. :)
Poirot, when you have the meeting they might consider getting a new man since the current one
moved away. Sorry your son can't come by again.

OC, hopefully your son can visit you soon.
Thanks, Kat. I think they will come here when they head back to California, since it's on their way.

Poirot, I've heard of others who have had delayed grieving. I don't know why it happens that way but I'm guessing it could be a combination of factors (as some things you mentioned) that come together and trigger the response. Feelings seem to have a "mind" of their own and they can be unpredictable. For similar reasons (mainly no one to share or exchange with) I haven't put up a tree in recent years. I think it would probably make me sad, rather than happy, to look at it. Not necessarily grieving in my case but more of thinking, "What's the point?" I know many others don't feel that way and I'm all for each person doing what fits best. I hope you get a break in the weather soon. Sunshine sometimes has a way of giving gloom the boot.
90% of Christmas is down. I still have stuff here, that isn't packed up because the car isn't big enough to haul all of my stuff. Monday or Tuesday we will pack up the car take the stuff to storage then bring the remaining boxes back and I will be done.... as much as I enjoy having the stuff up it is nice to finally out of the house.... I still have the lights up mainly because the roof is iced and I'm not sending anyone on the roof to bring down lights. They can remain unplugged.