1/11/23 - Donuts & Fog & Snow!


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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What weird weather! Was very foggy last night. Around 4 a.m. (had woken up) was clear as could be. 7 a.m. and fog is back. It gradually leaves, and 9:30 it is snowing, big flakes. Mind you, tis about 31 out there, but not going to go up ...maybe another degree or two.
Was going to go back to pick out new glasses....Sheesh. Oh, am betting it will change a couple more times today. Meanwhile, will start laundry, pay some bills , blah, blah. Hope you all are faring well.
Wow, Poirot, a little bit of everything in your corner of the world. Was it foggy snow or snowy fog? Hope all your errands go well. And with the new glasses, you can see the show more clearly!:)

Light rain expected in NY today, overcast 37 degrees right now.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day!

Good morning everyone. It started off being cold and frosty in the low 20s here. Supposed to go up to the 40s. Rain and snow return tomorrow. Friday is finally back to a snowy winter day.

Has anyone bought bundt cakes or other items from Nothing Bundt Cakes? I'd never heard of the company before until my assistant showed me a fundraiser form yesterday for her daughter's competition dance team. (I ordered both a lemon and a vanilla "bundtlet). Apparently it is a big company with over 400 locations in the US plus more in Canada. I was surprised to find out that I drive past one every time I go to one of the Italian stores in Ohio.

Poirot - I hope you get to order your glasses. Our weather folks show a big storm coming from up there.

Wilde Woman - That's a beautiful picture. I wish I had a sign like that to hang on my office door though with just the "HELLO" in the center.
Foggy here this morning too. Possibility of storms later today/tonight.

RS — we had one delivered to us once from a friend - it was good. I think it was red velvet. I would Bet the lemon will be tasty.
It's 74 and a bit cloudy right now. Heavy fog this morning. I am in between many things today. I helped with the shipment for local food Pantry and attended a Bible Study this morning. Taking a break before getting a perm, going to therapy and then our GIFT (Growing In Faith Together) program at church this evening. It starts with a meal and then Christian Ed for all different ages for an hour before closing. The offering taken each week is now used for the Food Pantry in town. Now that people know that, they are giving more to the offering. We hit a record of 82 attending classes, but there are about a dozen more who come and help cook and clean up, etc that aren't always counted.

One of my Grandsons is being deployed to Europe as we speak. He wasn't too happy because he was supposed to get out of the Army in about 3 months. He's been in about 6 years.

Hoping everyone has a great and UNeventful Wednesday. Be Blessed!
It was foggy at my house this morning too, It cleared off while I was taking my walk.

It's sunny this afternoon and close to 70. I'm going out soon with my rake. It's going
to cool down during the night and there's a chance of snow flurries in the AM. The
rain chance for tomorrow is mostly gone until Monday.

Poirot, I hope you get your glasses soon.

rs, enjoy the snow when you get it.

nanahl, I hope you'll have a restful evening after your busy day.

Wilde Woman, I hope you're having a good day.

Wishing everyone a pleasant rest of the day.
Good afternoon. Sunny, warm, dry, and windy here. It got to 84* yesterday, 82* today. We are under extreme fire danger.

My son with the camper is in southern California. They were planning to go on up to northern CA for a month or so but needless to say, that is out for the time being. Some of the area where they would be staying is evacuated. They'll stay in the south and see how things look in a week. But this morning I saw that two cars had fallen into a sink hole in Los Angeles! It seems like most of that state is in bad conditions and from what I've heard on tv, it may not let up before the end of the month.