Days of our Lives - Monday, April 29, 2024


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
38 minutes lots of Konstantin being weird.

Flying shot of Kayla and Steve’s apartment. Tripp and Wendy are visiting and saying goodbye. Stephanie had a meeting

Ava's at the Pub; she drops by the table where Brady and Rachel are having breakfast. Ava asks Rachel what her favorite fish is? An orca like Free Willy. Brady tells her that orcas are mammals not fish, so Rachel goes with goldfish. If she knows about Free Willy, she could have gone with clownfish, like in Finding Nemo, but she picked goldfish. John walks in and stares at Ava. She leaves. He goes to the table and Rachel is super excited. They both have made each other’s day.

At Alex’s place, Theresa has made coffee and is in black lingerie, promising a special breakfast for Monsieur Kiriakis.

Jump to Kristen’s room where Alex is having a different kind of breakfast.

Tripp will be learning some Mandarin while over there, and volunteering at the local clinics. The girls go make breakfast so the boys can talk. Wendy has given Tripp some pointers. Don’t leave your chopsticks standing straight up, never use someone’s first name unless told to, don’t wear your shoes in anyone’s house. Steve is impressed with what Tripp knows; he's impressed with Tripp.

Rachel won the class spelling bee last week and she’s really good in science. John is so happy to have seen his granddaughter. Brady thinks it’s odd that Kristen is suddenly supportive of him seeing more of Rachel. John asks Brady not wishing to overstep, why do you think that is?

Alex and Kristen list all the places they’ve adulted. The bed, the shower, twice in the clawfoot tub, which was challenging but Alex rose to the occasion. Kristen wants to stop the next round because Rachel is going to come in and see them cuddling.

Theresa is looking for Alex, he’s not in the house. Konstantin comes by. He tells Theresa that Maggie made him sign a prenup.

Wendy and Kayla talk of visiting parents. Kayla tells Wendy she’s welcome in the family.

Alex and Kristen, now in robes, talk.

Brady thinks Kristen is mellowing. John hopes that’s true, but thinks it’s a ploy to get him back. Brady says that Kristen gave you up, back in the day.

Theresa and Konstantin argue. He wants Theresa to make the prenup disappear.

Ava drops by Steve and Kayla’s. Kayla is LESS that pleased.

Alex and Kristen wonder where Rachel is, so Kristen calls Brady to yell at him for being late. Brady tells her he and Rachel are at the pub and Rachel said that her permission slip is already signed. Rachel's standing by Grandpa John, and admits to signing the slip herself, forging her mother’s name. Awww, how sweet, daughter following in mommy's footsteps so early.

More inane conversation with Tripp, Wendy, Steve, Kayla and Ava about Tripp and Wendy leaving, shopping, ride shares, and super long distance to the airport. Tripp says goodbye to his dad and Kayla. They make plans to video chat. This is an oddly weepy scene. The kids leave with Ava. Kayla admits to really loving that boy.

Kristen tells Alex where Rachel is and how her plan is blown. Alex opens his robe and tells Kristen that his morning is wide open. The continue adulting.

Brady asks how Rachel forged the signature? Rachel says she practiced. Brady tells her that forging signatures is wrong. John has to get back to the office, he tells Punkin to listen to her daddy. Rachel wants to know does Brady have a girlfriend?

Theresa tells Konstantin that there is a copy on Maggie’s attorney’s computer. Konstantin says no, I signed the old-fashioned way with a pen. Find a way Theresa, or you will regret it, and Konstantin leaves.

Ava and Tripp talk about how much they mean to each other. They bring up part of Ava’s past mafia princess life and how she’s left that world behind. Another strangely weepy scene.

Brady wants to know why she cares? It’s because mommy has a boyfriend. Brady says he knows all about mommy’s boyfriend, and explains that he will always love Rachel.

Later in the day, Alex comes home to see the food on the table. Theresa notices he’s in the same clothes, while she's still in her lingerie

Steve misses Tripp already. He tells Kayla that it’s a good thing, with all that’s going on, then tells Kayla about Konstantin and his threats.

John is at the office and Konstantin appears.

At the town square, Wendy is watching her phone for the ride share. The announce their love and then they discuss the movies they are going to watch on the plane. Notting Hill, then Bridesmaids, then have you heard of Train to Busan? Zombie apocalypse on a train, a Korean film.

Theresa wants to know where Alex was last night? He says that is of no concern to you, Theresa. She's feeling upset and jealous. Theresa knows and Alex confirms that Kristen was involved in Alex’s overnight stay elsewhere.

Kristen calls Alex and leaves a sexy message for him.

Brady and Rachel leave the pub for the aquarium.

Kayla gives Steve a pep talk. She thinks he should call John and clear the air.

Konstantin is with John, who is looking for Steve. But Steve is spending time with his family. Konstantin goes to leave when John’s phone rings. It’s Steve. Konstantin races back and pulls the pawn card. John semi collapses and turns to look at Konstantin. Konstantin has an extremely important mission for his Pawn.
Brady definitely doesn't have the Salem brain today, thinking Kreepy Kritter Kristen is softening. In a pig's eye, a line from old show.

Can someone get that &$#% Pawn card and burn it to ashes and at the same time put Kreep Krummy Krappy Konstantin out of our misery?

Kristen and Alex. Barf. She has a fixation on much younger men, bordering on perversion.
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Too weird to see father and grown son talking about having had sex with the same woman!

Originally, it was said Tripp and Wendy were going to visit her parents in Hong Kong. but it now seems they are going there permanently. All the talk of zoom talks, telephone, keeping in touch, etc. etc. Yes the dialogue and interaction between Tripp and the very upset Kayla, then Tripp & his dad, Steve.....does appear Tripp & Wendy moving to Hong Kong permanently. She is teaching him how to speak Mandarin!

Amazing a child Rachel's age is able to forge an adult's signature, even with practice.

Will say the actor playing Konstantin does a terrific job of making the viewing audience fearful of him and what he can do. He sure whipped out that Pawn card so fast, to get John under his control. (hope John is faking)
Pity poor Kayla. With Trippy gone, she’ll be the only doctor at the hospital. Maybe it’s time for a call to Dr. Dingo about returning or to ask the authorities to release doctor body parts from jail.

Alex is slowly sliding into insanity. There are different kinds of granny sex, but the Kristen variety is beyond the pale. The sight of the two of them early in the day, brought to mind the line in an old “Maggie May” song, “the morning sun really shows your age.”

Another village idiot is, of course, Konstantin. What makes this nasty fool think poor Gwennie T. can help him beat Maggie’s prenup? She can’t even help herself.
Thanks, robin.

It's a new day in Salem.

It's confusing about Wendy and Tripp. First Tripp says that he will be back. Then he talks about coming for visits. Were the
scenes filmed on different days and something changed?

Odd conversation John and Brady had about Kristen.

What will Konstantin have John do? He probably wants John to get the prenup.

Interesting Rachel signed the form with her mom's signature. I'm glad Brady decided to go ahead and take her to the
aquarium. Since they are close to Chicago, will they go to the Shedd Aquarium?
Been to Shedd Aquarium many times when I lived in Chicago. Made sure my kids all got to visit there as well, along with the Field Museum. Fabulous Places. Back then, admission was free........The Museum of Science & Industry was a great one as well. Been a lot of years since I visited any of them. LOL