John's father


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2007
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What a gruesome looking guy! Reminds me of Freddie Kruger. Not sure if I am liking the way this story is going. Espionage, kidnapping and training assassins is just not my thing. Why is Days going down this road?

I watched John and his father today and it took every ounce of willpower not to fast forward through it. Can anyone tell me why they were "whispering" to each other in that big open warehouse?
I would suggest reading today's episode summary to learn what they were saying in the warehouse. That is what the summary thread is for.

In terms of the tone of the storyline, it reminds me very much of the show Scandal and the whole B6-13 storyline with Olivia's father. Very similar type of story.
My apologies to those who think that the John's father story line has possibilities, but from where I sit, it's one of the biggest stews of nonsense that the writers have ever cooked up.
  • Yo-Yo's back story is wildly unrealistic even by Days standards. ("Wildly unrealistic" is an understatement.)
  • The old fool's version of the Korean War is historical nonsense.
  • His supposed vaunted army of elite "Phantom" killers just lost a gun battle to the worst police force in America. Right now, they seem more like the keystone kops of trained assassins.
  • Yo-Yo's appearance is so bizarre that if Rory caught sight of him, he'd think that he'd smoked some bad pot.
  • Yo-Yo is so dense that he thinks Nelson Mandela, who had fulfilled his life's mission and was 95 at the time of his death, somehow died "before his time."
  • Yo-Yo is so unappealing in every way that even Kate, who's attracted to every sketchy older man in sight, would run the other way. (Deimos, don't worry about losing Kate to Yo-Yo.)
  • This sicko wants so much of his sixty-something son's blood that he'll die all so his decrepit self can carry on his lethal "mission." Even Stefano and Andre might be shaking their heads over that one.
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Yo-Yo is so unappealing in every way that even Kate, who's attracted to every sketchy older man in sight, would run the other way. (Deimos, don't worry about losing Kate to Yo-Yo.)
Awwww, c'mon, DBF! Can't you just imagine Kate catching a glimpse of Yoplait in Horton Town Square and thinking, "Oh boy, a new man in town! And he's John's dad?? I need to snag that Yo-Daddy for myself."
Awwww, c'mon, DBF! Can't you just imagine Kate catching a glimpse of Yoplait in Horton Town Square and thinking, "Oh boy, a new man in town! And he's John's dad?? I need to snag that Yo-Daddy for myself."
JS, if Yo-Daddy ever broke cover and emerged into Salem society, the results might be intersting.
  • Kate walks off with Yo-Daddy while Deimos seethes with rage and plots revenge.
  • Yo-Daddy walks into the Pub. The customers take one look at him and flee the place. Caroline is so incensed by the loss of her customers that she dumps a pot of spoiled chowder over Yo-Daddy's head.
  • Yo-Daddy strolls through the Town Square and causes every dog in Salem -- even Pookie -- to start barking.
  • While skulking around, fugitive Ben spots Yo-Daddy and is so appalled that he immediately flees Salem.
  • Jeannie T. sees Yo-Daddy sitting in the Town Square and is so taken aback that for once she has nothing to say.
  • Summer steals Yo-Daddy's black hat. Yo-Daddy is incensed and plots revenge meaning Brady will have to muster all of Victor's thugs to save Summer.
  • JJ arrests Yo-Daddy for vagrancy. An angry Yo-Daddy swears revenge. Jenny hears about this and "confronts" Yo-Daddy.
  • Rory swears off pot after seeing Yo-Daddy.
  • Joey compulsively confesses to Yo-Daddy that he killed Ava and is told: "Good job, kid. How would you like a scholarship to Winterthorne Academy." Naturally, Steve and Kayla are horrified.
  • After learning about Yo-Daddy's evil plans for John, an out-on-bail Andre confronts the king of the Phantom Army and warns him that only DiMeras can mess with Stefano's old "Pawn."
  • Rory swears off pot after seeing Yo-Daddy.
  • Joey compulsively confesses to Yo-Daddy that he killed Ava and is told: "Good job, kid. How would you like a scholarship to Winterthorne Academy." Naturally, Steve and Kayla are horrified.
  • After learning about Yo-Daddy's evil plans for John, an out-on-bail Andre confronts the king of the Phantom Army and warns him that only DiMeras can mess with Stefano's old "Pawn."
I thought it was great casting for sure with Tobin Bell (Yo Ling) as John's father. The two actors John/Yo Ling resemble each other greatly in the face and have the exact same voice. The storyline may be iffy they couldn't have chose a better actor as John's father.
Topits disease is an affliction that affects the upper part of the body (torso and head), and that is seen only in the elderly, both male and female. It manifests differently in each gender. In females, it causes elderly women to don down vests (say that 3 times) and wear smeared lipstick. In males, it causes an unstoppable urge to braid facial hair and secure with rubber bands, as well as to wear unusually ugly headwear and have delusions of grandeur. It is fortunate that the affliction does not cause one to don down vests, wear smeared lipstick with a braided beard and strange hat at the same time, as the derision of those seeing this manifestation of the disease could cause the patients disease to worsen, including the slurring of words or speaking incomprehensively about their importance in the universe. Oh wait, it's the Ides of March instead of April Fools Day:).
I thought it was great casting for sure with Tobin Bell (Yo Ling) as John's father. The two actors John/Yo Ling resemble each other greatly in the face and have the exact same voice. The storyline may be iffy they couldn't have chose a better actor as John's father.
Yes, same voice, which I detest. I wish they would go see an ENT. Makes my throat hurt. Surely, there was some other way to find out who John was/is.