Did You Know


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
Reaction score

THAT this site has a lot of unique features, forums, and some fun spots to visit?

Familiar with Day Ahead? A summary of the next day’s show. You can post comments galore about what is to come tomorrow.

Crystal Ball……Ah, this is the spoiler forum and all spoiler talk goes here
Daily Days…….All opinions & comments on current story, today’s show, past storylines, writers, actors, etc.
Daze & Knights…..The off topic thread. Talk about movies, TV, books, gripes, whatever.
Just for Laffs………Self explanatory…got a joke…post it here. Want a laugh, this is the place.
The Donut Thread…Just a friendly gettogether for the day. A new one every day. Just chitchat, plus a love of donuts. LOL
The Cookbook……..Another self-explanatory….but wonderful exchange of yummmm.

And now for some helpful hints……

When you click on a forum…..if there is a down arrow in the far left column, it means you have posted in that thread. If the hourglass is bright for a forum, it means there are new posts since you last were here.

When you reply……..down in the lower left hand corner…scroll down….you will see the smilies are on….click on it. Gives you the code for posting those cute things in your replies.

Want to quote a specific post to which you want to reply? Hit the quote button and it will appear in you reply. However, if you want to reply to just a portion or a sentence of that post, please just hi=light and then delete the unnecessary part of the quote.
AND, in the interest of saving our bandwidth, and loading time, please, please, please, do not quote the post directly above yours, or the initial post in a thread. Also, rather than quote some long post, you can just use the @ plus the poster’s name to comment on something specific.
If you want to respond to several posts, then click on the multi quote button on each of them first (right next to the quote button). When you hit post reply, all the quote will appear in your reply, and you can edit and reply at will.

You will probably become very familiar with “code” here. It is contained between a [ and a ]……and is explained fully again in the bottom left hand corner when you want to reply or post. It is used for smiles, color, bold, italics. Etc.

In re: “Language”. Folks…..personally, I do not use foul language. Yes, many do, and think nothing of it, understand that. But this is an all ages board, we are ladies and gentlemen, and yep, some of us get bleeped. Hopefully, we will not see so many of those *****. LOL

We have FAQs you could click on…..but overall…..respect is the name of the game. Respect for your fellow posters, for the actors, for opinions with which you may not agree. You know……the Do Unto Others kind of thing. You can bash a character, not an actor personally. And their personal lives are none of our business and not fodder for gossip here.
As Wayne & I have mentioned before, we are not like the Soup Nazi. LOL. We have very few “rules” , try to have a fun, relaxed, easy ambience. You can post links, can copy and paste (as long as it is not copyright) When Wayne gets the gallery back up, you will be able to post pictures galore.

You can personalize the site, did you know that?
For instance, go to your user CP…..click on options..and scroll down. You can decide how many posts to show per page. Mine is set to 20, but you can have 5, 10, 20, 30, 40.

So hop around. Any questions?
yes there are a few........go to your user control panel (upper left corner) and click on it, then scroll down the left column of the page that appears to Edit Settings and Options, click on it. A new page opens up......scroll down to about the middle where you will find a box that looks like:

Default Thread Subscription Mode
When you post a new thread, or reply to a topic, you can choose to automatically add that thread to your list of subscribed threads, with the option to receive email notification of new replies to that thread.
Default Thread Subscription Mode
: You are then offered a choice of several options within a box that appears next to the word "Mode". Click on the subscribe one however you want to be notified.