Days of Our Lives - Tues., May 7, 2019


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Days of Our lives
Tuesday, May 7, 2019

And the days of Sarah's lives continues. Replay of Sarah & Rex discussing getting married as soon as Holly is found. Maggie comes in, yelling at Rex for pushing Sarah for quick wedding. Sarah jumps up, not Rex, she is the one wanting to get married sooner. Rex is invited to go make himself a sandwich, he has to be hungry, (by Sarah)...he leaves, and Sarah light into her mom, but Maggie gives it right back. All the stuff about cheating Rex. Sarah tells her mom to just stop reminding her all the time. They argue for a bit, sit down, and Maggie finally tells of being upset with Victor over his hiring of Kate, especially when she asked him not to. She does say he wants to mend fences with Philip.

Meanwhile, Victor is at the club, having a drink, getting joined by Kate, and talking about all the same stuff. They trade barbs about her trying to kill him and why, he berates Sarah who told him off, calls her a barracuda, Kate worries about her marrying her son Rex (face it Kate, you did not raise him), Vic tells her of Sarah cheating with Xander, they talk about Philip, Victor wanting to patch things up with him before he goes to meet his maker. Kate will see what she can do, but also figures perhaps she can make Rex unforgive Sarah for her sex romp with Xander.

All of the misery in the show cannot really get saved by the lovely surprise celebration John arranged for Marlena, and their 6 month anniversary. At the Pub. They talk of all the years they have loved each other, but also of Will having radiation for his tumor, Rex & Sarah, Nicole back from the dead, the missing Holly and finally, the possibility of Kristen being alive. Since Jack is back, as is Nicole, Kristen could have escaped warehouse as well. John doubts it, as he figures they would know. He made surprise dessert for Marlena, not strawberries and whipped cream, no longer romantic since Kristen tried to poison Marlena with it. Tis chocolate mousse......they dig in, but Marlena is too worried about everyone. She has told John all about Eric having feelings for Sarah, her for Eric, how she accidentally told Sarah who confronted Eric, he admitted, they went to tell Rex, Nicole appears. John understands, they both decide to take their party home, and leave.

Replay of Rafe calling Hope to tell her of the accident, Hope tells Nicole & Eric, all leave to go to accident site. Nicole is crying, Eric goes down the embankment to the car, along comes Ted, who goes down to join them. Rafe, Hope & Nicole watch from above, it is dark. Suddenly, we hear Eric yelling to get back, there is explosion. Nicole gets hysterical, Eric comes up, Rafe helps pulling him over, next is Ted. Seems they smelled gas, had to back away and boom. Eric holds Nicole, tells her it was dark but he could not see anyone inside, thinks they got away. But, fire chief calls Hope, they found 2 bodies, adult male, female child. Nicole breaks down, is screaming no, no.

Later, stretchers are being brought up, she wants to see her little girl, Hope stops her. Ted has hurt his hand, but rejects help for it. Eric & Nicole are on ground, she is inconsolable.

Kate has promised Victor to try and help with Philip, gets up to kiss him on the cheek. Maggie has walked in, sees. She goes up to the table......Holly is dead, she announces.

Rex is holding the sobbing Sarah, who cannot stop crying. She thanks Rex for being there for her, he says he always will. Sarah notes that if she is taking this so hard, she can only imagine Nicole.

Ted is back in Salem, comes out into the room, bandaging his hand. Door opens, Xander comes in. Ted asks where he has been, and is Holly o.k. She is fine, on her way to where she will be staying.
There is another long, long flashback when Sarah talks to Maggie, and "remembers" her & Eric admitting their feelings.
Between replays and flashbacks, lucky to get 25 min. of new show ( commercials)......
And so much misery in one show is not something to look forward to, for sure.
Maggie is getting ridiculous how awful she is to Rex. Sarah forgave him. Get over it!! I was absolutely expecting Rex to walk in when Sarah was going on about her feelings for Eric.

Omg Victor! Are you really gonna be drawn to Kate?

Arrgh!!! Why is everyone acting like Eric and Sarah are just soul mates?! Meant to be?!! They haven't even dated! Could be it doesn't work out! It's just ridiculous, Maggie, Marlena and of course Sarah just think they were supposed to be! That yes, once again Eric was going to get involved with his brother's lover and steal them away! Doesn't say much about the saintly Eric now does it?!

Hating this Holly dead story so much. What did they do? Get cadavers? Will they check that it is indeed Holly? No of course they won't. Not until Nicole gets to mourn and lash out at everyone for awhile. I just don't get it. I bet her new home is with Kristen. But why? Why would she want Holly? Did she hate Nicole? or is this just her Tater tot replacement.
No balance on Days. The gloom and doom is so oppressive. Even John and Marlena can't stop talking about the many sad things happening.

Granted there needs to be conflict. It's a soap opera. I can't bring myself to watch a whole episode with so much anguish. There isn't really a glimmer of hope in this. Every couple is having their lives devastated.

No romance; is all gratuitous sex often as revenge. The closest there is to a real couple other than John and Marlena is Ciara and Ben.

It sure would help to see a bit more balance.
All the stuff about cheating Rex.
Groan. Maggie and Mickey had no moral ground here; of course neither did Sarah's bio dad, whom she suddenly was besties with.
(face it Kate, you did not raise him)
Hear, hear. However let's all remember that Mickey did raise Sarah.

John and Marlena deserve more than to be recapping other people's stories.

Is this a sweeps episode or does sweeps start later in the week?
I just fast forwarded through the entire show. Too many flashbacks that have been already been shown multiple times and then endless misery. This might be one of the worst shows in months. I'm stunned that this is what they've rolled out for sweeps, which started the last week of April.

I really want to like what's happening. I don't want to complain every day, but I just don't know what the writers are thinking. I really hope they bring Holly home soon. I mean, has Ted agreed to have the girl trafficked? What dead female child did they find? Even if Xander and team stole a dead child from the morgue instead of killing one, what in the everloving (blank)? I also would bet Kristen has taken her or maybe Vivian or someone, and I'm as confused at that as anything.

I've been irritated. I've been bored. But today actually made me angry.
Thanks for the comments, and, of course, the summary. I have felt so negative about the show lately, but I see that others have also. I think today is a perfect day to watch Criminal Mind reruns instead! Maybe we should start a list of Emmys the show should have won - like Worst Return from the Dead, Most Mysogynistic storyline, Most predictable story, etc.
There is nothing in that preview that even makes me want to watch this show....

Thank you Poirot for doing this for us..... Actually thank you isn't even strong enough.... I totally appreciate you giving up an hour plus of your life to detail this horrible, episode......

Edit to add....
We may have to chip in to pay for mental health care for you...... since we subject you to repeated sadness and terrible stories....
I agree with Robin. I'm sorry you had to watch this, Poirot. I wonder how long this Holly story is going to last. I rarely ever skip whole episodes but I'm not going to watch while this is going on. If they continue with things like Gabi and Stefan, and some of the other stuff--and especially if Kristen does end up being behind this Holly thing, I'm not going to want to watch any of it. Also, as though it's not bad enough the first time around, they are showing endless flashbacks. I truly wish they would change the overall direction.
Please make it stop, Part I: Today it was the Maggie and Sarah show, which was about as bad as any of the other subplots involving the awful Sarah. About the only positive thing this character brings to the show is the entertainment value of Victor and Kate getting together to refer to her in unflattering terms, such as today's "harpy" and "pit bull."

Please make it stop, Part II: What makes the writers think that the viewers want to watch Nicole going through one heartbreak after another?? Yesterday, Nicole called Xander "sadistic." When it comes to the Nicole character, that word could just as easily be applied to the writers.

How quickly they forget: John thinks that if Kristen was alive, he and Marlena would know about it? He should guess again. Kristen only lets such information leak when it suits her purposes. As for John's super-special anniversary dessert, it looked to me like some My-T-Fine chocolate pudding with some whipped cream slathered on it.

Dumb plots: Salem's villains have been involved in many stupid, pointless plots over the years, but few fit this description over the years as well as the Holly-kidnap caper. It's only goal seems to be inflicting pain on Salemites. In fact, the very stupidity and cruelty of the whole thing leads me to believe that Kristen is behind it. And if she is, why can't Xander find something better to do than get involved with her nonsense? Aren't there some diamonds, drugs, or hollow elephant figurines that need to be smuggled?
See, they just keep spinning that wheel for Nicole and the bad things that can happen to her. It was probably a coin flip for whether she gets Holly back, and then another spin of the wheel for what the outcome of her not getting Holly back would be. That's just not fair.

Also, yeah, I'm on board with the Philip and Kristen thing - they've *both* been mentioned a little too much lately (or referred to by description instead of by name), so it's clear they're coming back. Just like they did with Jack (too many mentions, and too much showing of his picture on screen around the holidays, and then voila! New Year's party he's there)
Thanks, Poirot.

Jason, May sweeps started Apr 25, it ends May 22.

I hope we won't have to wait all summer before Nicole sees Holly.

Hopefully, someone will do a DNA test on the dead child and not
it's Holly.

I was right yesterday about it was part of Xander's plan to have Rafe to follow
Ted and car.. like an idiot.

I enjoyed Kate's remark to Victor "that she doesn't get involved with her
children" Then they both laughed.

Victor told Kate that Sarah slept in the bedroom with the gardener (like the game Clue)

If Kristen is involved, why would she take Holly? I guess we'll find out later.