5/6/2024 - Donuts and let's keep this birthday cake train rolling

Happy Birthday, manda

Hi Everyone,
Thank you for all of the beautiful cakes and your kind words. My current training class is a little extra crazy, as I have to squeeze 9 weeks of learning into 4 weeks. Thankfully my student is brilliant and experienced so she's picking everything up really fast.
I truly miss you all.

Happy Belated Birthday OC!!
We are under a very ray PDS storm warning...... we have multiple tornado watches in effect this evening including a PDS TORNADO WATCH (those are rarely handed out).
Particularly Dangerous Situation.

Gosh I'm learning so much..... anyway If we make it till midnight the storms have passed us. HB is not worried...... Trying hard to not be worried....
Mandie, truly is good to hear from you.......L O V E your pic.

Robin......I WAS going to write something funny to you, but there is nothing funny about the weather you are having and the possibility that could arise. Take care ......like the boy scouts say.......be prepared!
Happy birthday, Manda! Hope it's been good so far and gets even better.

Thanks again to everyone for all the wishes for me. Yesterday after my daughter and son-in-law were gone I was so tired and sleepy, struggled to stay awake and did drop off a time or two. But then the phone rang. Son #1. We talked for about an hour, until my cell phone started ringing. It was my oldest grandson ( rarely see him anymore and he hadn't called in a couple of years) so I got off and talked with him for an hour or so. While talking with him, Son #2 was trying to call on my land line. I talked with him later. Feast or famine! I loved it but 3-4 hours straight of talking wore me out. I slept through till after 6:00 this morning.

My niece and I went to town in my truck. Got a new battery installed, oil added and gas. This week we're trying to get ready to have cattle worked. Not sure when cowboy will come but we probably won't get much notice so need to have things in place. We ate some pizza in the truck before coming home today.

Thinking of those of you in the path of storms. My weather guy is giving lots of alerts for the northern part of the viewing area, going into Oklahoma. Looks like it will likely stay north of me but not a certainty.