5/3/2024 - Donuts and Flooding?

Old Cowgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
Reaction score
Texas, on the Brazos Saltfork
Good morning. Sexton, I'm hearing of serious flooding in and around the Houston area. Wondering if you're okay.

Also wondering about you, Robin, and H.B., whether you're better and he caught it.

The storms split and missed us last night, a relief. There were some tornadoes in those storms but they don't get much attention when they're in rural areas. Last week my cousin, who lives on a ranch out west of here, had their barn destroyed by one. Good thing their kids live in the area and were able to help clean up the mess. He husband has had a lot of health problems.

I need to go pick up a prescription but I may have to fit in a short nap first. Guess I got too much sleep the night before because I couldn't sleep last night.

Hope everyone is okay and having a decent day.
Hello..... I am still in recovery. Yesterday I didn't nap at all but by 8 I couldn't keep my eyes open at all..... I went to bed finally slept till midnight and was awake.... but back to sleep till 8:30.....so I'm guessing I'm not better yet, but getting close......
in ways only the board understands I'm now being asked with today's weather will bring... I don't know I went to sleep before the late night weather started.... but yes somehow I'm supposed to know.....

Taking it slow and steady..... for yet another day.....
I woke up twice early this morning. The first time because of thunder. I woke up again for some reason. I heard the owl.
It's been awhile. I woke up again when the alarm went off.

The rain stopped around walking time so I got that in. I did some stops after PT. I worked outside for about 45 minutes.
I decided to stop since it's so muddy. It will be awhile before I can before I work in it again because rain for
several more days

OC, I hope you got to down to get your medicine.

robin, I hope you can stay in this week and get more rest.

I hope everyone has a good rest of the day and nice weekend.
I'm having a freaky rain storm. It started off slowly. The sun out and there's a rainbow. Then all of
sudden the wind came with heavy rain. Radar shows I'm under a big rain area. No thunder. The
rainbow is still there. My backyard is mushy. I'm under a flood watch through Sun night. Rain
should stop soon. It's going to be awhile before my yard is mowed. Spoke too soon there's
the thunder.