3/6/18 - Donuts & The storm continues


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Good morning, still snowing here, so far, over 8", atop all the rest. With the wind, the drifts are unreal, Weird to see a few feet of bare roof, then a 3 ft. high pileup of snow on that same roof right next to the bare spot. All the schools are closed, as are even day care centers, some health centers. Oh, staying in for sure. Also weird to see, for the lst time this winter, snow plastered against the siding. Am guessing it is probably a wet snow. Sometimes it is very fine, and others big flakes. Pine tree branches are loaded, bent way down. Want to laugh? Despite it snowing, it seems the sun is trying to come out, see a big white "hot spot" up there, but still grey skies. Am guessing this all is moving east. But sure did slam bang here..........

Have a good one. by the way, it is 24°. I am laughing because it is hard to tell at times whether still snowing, or just the wind blowing the snow around off the trees and roofs. Very windy! Ugh.
Good Morning Everyone,

Poirot - yes the snow is wet and heavy. Although, it sounds like you got twice as much as we did. However, it was still snowing the last time I looked out the window. School was not cancelled here, although some schools in the area had delays or cancellations.

Today I got the workout of lugging all the Girl Scout Cookies into work for the my wonderful co-workers who placed orders. That took 2 trips and on the 2nd, I had a helper. Otherwise, it would have been 3 trips. I forget every year how heavy the cookies can be.

Have a wonderful day everyone!
Good morning all.

I have a friend in New York who just got power back yesterday after the weekend blast. She isn't looking forward to this beast heading towards her.

I have high thin clouds doing their best to block Mr. Sun from streaming in my window. We will be pleasant today. I couldn't cope with your winters. That being said, East Coast behave yourself as I'll be there this month and I don't want a winter storm.

Nothing new to report here. Mr. Gus has decided that he doesn't like his regular food. So until the chicken runs out, he can have shredded chicken, then it's back to dog food.

Have a great Tuesday all if I don't get back till later in the day.
Hi everyone. We're having freezing rain here with snow coming in by the time I go home.

I'm back from a senior center in my southern county. Sitting at my desk eating lunch with a microwave heating pad on my neck and back. Joy, joy.

Poirot - I'll gladly take some of that snow.

Amanda - The joys of being a girl scout leader! I'm sure though the joys do outweigh the hassles.

robinsnest - It sounds like Mr Gus is feeling somewhat better.

OC - be careful on your travels today.
A lazy quiet day in the nursery. Our weather is warming. What else is new, huh?

Checking out options to replace costly Directv in a couple months with a streaming service. Does anyone know someone using YouTube.tv and their satisfaction level? We have Amazon Prime and Netflix but need news and other channels. Here, cable for just 20 channels is $99 a month, which I find absurd.

Poirot: I am dreaming of a white Easter too so please send your extra white stuff my way.

Manda: kudos on Gena's big sales numbers. Do you get a bonus of cookies for delivery service?

Robin: Mr Gus may go on a chicken strike when dog food reappears in his feeding bowl.

Squirrel: hope you can work wrapped in that heating pad to sooth tired muscles and warm the chills.

OC: safe travels and wishes for a great day.
RS- you are correct, the happy moments with the girls are worth the work. :) Safe travels home. The roads here are terrible.

Noel - the only cookies I get are the ones I ordered, which is plenty, let me tell you. Good luck finding TV service. And I agree, $99 for 20 channels is insane. We have Dish Network, so I can't help on the streaming.
Noel - my kids in California have gone with rabbit ears for local channels and Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Fire Stick. Actually, they are updated rabbit ears, as they have to be digital to receive the local stations. It took them a while to get used to not being able to record a show, but then found that for the most part, one of their streaming services would have it with in a week, if that long.

Manda - thank you for dropping off the cookies. :) I hope Gena got close to her goal.

Back to the excitement that is mid year state reporting.
A sunny, windy day here. Too windy to work outside.

manda, I missed out cookies again this year. Oh well. Probably
not good for me anyway.

rs, have a safe trip home later.

Noel, good luck with switching TV companies. I pay more than you,
but get more channels. There are a lot I don't watch. I wish we
could pay just for the channels we like.

robin, I'm glad Mr Gus is better. He's spoiled now with eating chicken.

I hope everyone has a good rest of the day.
Unless you live in a real urban area, rabbit ears do no good. Local TV comes from 120 miles. It is a shame that our country is unable to use rooftop antennas any more, tho I had 1 12 foot pole on my roof on which the antenna sat. I was forced to get satellite TV, cable not being available. Direct TV used to be a good bargain, but it no longer is. They charge extra for local channels.......but now, so does Dish and they did not at first, either.

No idea what is better, but I do know that folks in very rural, or hilly, mountainous regions really have a problem.

When I moved to town, I could have gotten local cable......turned out it would have cost more than I pay Direct.......with less channels. And yes, I do agree that there are entirely too many useless shopping channels, plus stations I rarely watch, if ever. I do wish we could "choose" what we would like to have. But, guess those useless shopping channels are great for some folks, lol.
Noel, I use Roku streaming sticks over my Verizon internet channeled through my wifi router. (I still get NBC, the CW, CBS, FOX, ABC, and PBS over my outside antenna as long as the weather is good.)

I get NBC and the CW for free with tv shows appearing one day after being on air. ABC and CBS shows appear one week after airing. PBS shows are watchable two weeks after airing unless you have a PBS Passport. I do, so I get PBS shows the day after airing. Plus there are thousands of free tv, movie, and music channels through the Roku. I even watch my Amazon Prime shows and movies through it.

Once I bought the $29.99 Roku stick, I don't pay anything extra to watch tv shows, movies, and news.

The only thing two things I pay for are things I already was getting, my internet bill and monthly Netflix subscription. I got a free year of Amazon Prime when I bought my new Amazon Kindle Fire last November.

There is much much more available through Roku than through Google or Amazon Fire Stick. My bosses dumped their Amazon Fire Stick, and went with a Roku after trying out mine. My cousin dumped her cable and her Google Chromecast after trying my Roku, too.
Wow, Poirot, you are getting nailed with snow! You're in my thoughts & prayers that you don't lose power.

Manda - Those cookies are a lot of work. I had to have emergency surgery the day my Camp Fire troop's cookies were delivered and my husband and daughter (first grader) filled the garage and had to put them in order for each girls pick up. It was an awful mess but we made it all balance out.

Robin - I'm glad Mr. Gus is better but good luck when the chicken runs out. LOL

RS - good luck driving home this evening. Hopefully it warms up a bit and the freezing rain thaws out a bit.

Noel - I wish I could help you but we have Xfinity for $199.00 a month. That covers our intnet service and phone line also. I know, it's awful. My husband loves his TV, we have 5 TV's and all of them are on at all times. I watch HGTV and TLC and local news. Good luck.

We had our cat fixed in February and while she was out we asked if they would trim her nails. It has been wonderful but now they had grown out and I called to see how much it was and about choked. $85.00. So I stopped and got some clippers and told my husband we can do this. I wrapped the cat in a towel and held her and he clipped fast. We did it! I was proud.

Have a good day. Stay warm, except those in AZ!
Squirrel, I gasped when I read about you dragging off those big tree branches! I hope you don't have any lasting bad results from it. I wish you could stay home until your nasty weather clears up.

Poirot, like you, I have some hearing loss but not enough for hearing aids. Even with my husband no longer in the house I still use headphones to listen to my tv. I can hear and understand what's being said better than with the noise coming out in the room, and the volume is easily and handily adjusted on the headset to avoid loud noises or enhance the not-loud-enough sounds. I hope you've gotten through the storm by now.

This morning I was so surprised to see a squirrel in the yard. Hadn't seen one all winter. I had to laugh when he scooted up a mesquite tree. Wonder what he hoped to find there?

I was tired and was tempted to skip voting this afternoon as I returned from the nursing home but I did it anyway. Here's an interesting name that was on the ballot: Stefano de Stefano. Not a local candidate, somewhere down in the Houston area maybe.